Story Time

The brand "New Energy" started as a simple task: create clothing that is unique and tells a story. The first shirt was inspired by a 24 hour twitter poll on my personal account. on November 6th, 2017 I posted: "If I was to release a shirt. Who would be interested?" With the options of "Small, Medium, Large, or Nah". Out of 185 people, 140 people submitted their sizes. I started the t-shirt design as soon as the poll ended using Microsoft paint. I bought 75 custom shirts printed on a cream colored blank, sold them for $10 and hand delivered every single one of them in my hometown. The process of the idea, designing, receiving, and getting them out all happened in the span of 30 days and it was the most excited I've ever been.

Throughout that month I learned a lot about the clothing industry, what people liked about the idea of the brand, what they didn't, and how I could continue to improve/ expand and release clothing for years to come. 

It's now been about 3 years since that first release and this is still my passion. I'd just like to thank everybody that has taken the time to support the movement through purchasing  pieces or even giving feedback. Every clothing piece is built on a story and we hope you continue to make your own with New Energy.


 Dylan O (New Energy)